22 April 2008

3D Character Model - Naraya

Naraya's low-poly model is complete! This is my first-ever actual model in 3DS, and I'm pretty pleased with the result. The only catch is, it has to be completely unwrapped, Z-brushed, textured, and rigged by next Tuesday. It's not like I need sleep!

16 April 2008

Artemis WIP II

Another in-progress shot of my current piece. The earlier one may be found here.

This will be the first piece using my new Intuos tablet. My old Graphire was starting to act up and was wearing out a little. I'm really excited to start working with this one!

14 April 2008




Shaina and Andy

Best wishes to Shaina and Andy, who commissioned a Save the Date for their upcoming nuptials. :)

I'm happy to work on commissions for anyone who's interested; feel free to comment or e-mail!

11 April 2008

Serendipity, Skylark

I've been having some ideas lately.

ser'en'dip'i'ty -
1. an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2. good fortune; luck

sky'lark -
1. a brown-speckled European lark, Alauda arvensis, famed for its melodious song.
–verb (used without object)
2. to frolic; sport: The children were skylarking on the beach.

wren -
1. any of numerous small, active songbirds of the family Troglodytidae, esp. Troglodytes troglodytes, of the Northern Hemisphere, having dark-brown plumage barred with black and a short, upright tail.
2. any of various similar, unrelated birds, esp. any of several Old World warblers.


06 April 2008

Artemis WIP

A new image I'm working on. Eventually I'm going to submit it for Diane's contest, but for right now it needs a lot more work. Artemis is the Greek goddess of the forest and the hunt. She was a virgin goddess and is always depicted as this beautiful 20-something woman. I don't think she's necessarily that old, so my Artemis is a lot younger. Also, she has freckles. Who doesn't love painting freckles?

Doktar; Naraya; Peafowl

And now, some newer art. :) As always, if an image is too wide for the table, you can right-click and select "view image" to view the entire piece.

This is Naraya, a bellydancer who's kind of a bitch. Her design was inspired by the costumes of Rachel Brice. The ortho (short for orthograph, or turnaround) is for a 3D model I'm making as a class assignment.

A sketch which was supposed to be something else. When I sat to draw up some concepts for my thesis, the girl turned out to be too young for that character. I liked her, though, and I think I'm going to keep her around. Her name is Princess Carnation; everyone calls her Nat. The bird is Frank. The tentative title of the story is The Princess and the Peafowl and is, of course, a play on the classic The Princess and the Pea.

And, just for kicks, a sketch of the Doctor with the TARDIS. Didn't spend much time on him, but I felt like drawing pinstripes and figured he was as good a subject as any.

Feathermane; Psychofeesh; Edgar

To start, I'll upload some of my older art. For any images that are too big for the layout, you can right-click and choose "view image" to see the whole thing.

The original of this piece is an Illustrator file. It's based on a photograph I took while on vacation in Myrtle Beach - a shopping center down there had a lake full of carp. If you look hard, you'll notice two ducks, as well.

Done as a favor for a friend who wanted a tattoo design, this image features a woman who has feathers instead of hair. She wound up going with someone else, but I still like how this one turned out.

Edgar has been around since high school. He started as a germ and has kind of morphed into this not-quite-a-mascot character who follows me around and takes my lunch money.

A Revival

Hello, all.

I found this old blogger account (originally created as part of an assignment for a class during my freshman year) and am re-vamping it.

From now on it'll be used primarily for posting artwork to the web, but also for art-related ramblings.

I dunno, intro posts in blogs and online journals always sound so stilted.